La' Xanh Mu`a He`

				     Tua^'n Du~ng
			 The Green Leaves of Summer
			He` sang la' ca^y xanh ma`u
		       He` sang vang tie^'ng ve sa^`u
		   He` sang tu+o+i tha^'m ma`u
			 Ru say ho^`n thi nha^n ..
		 La`n ma^y tra('ng lu+~ng lo+ ngang tro+`i
		  Do`ng suo^i ma't la('ng tro^i e^m d-e^`m
		  Chi`m trong nu+o+'c xanh ca' tung ta(ng
		       No^ d-u`a vo+'i rong va`ng ..
			He` sang la' ca^y xanh ma`u
		      He` kho^ng mang d-e^'n a^u sa^`u
		       He` cho ti`nh ye^u ba('c ca^`u
		       Se to+ ho^`ng nha^n duye^n ..
		He` gieo na('ng tre^n nhu+~ng ca'nh d-o^`ng
		    Va` mu+a tu+o+'i kha('p tho^n trang
		      La`m ca^y lu'a so+'m le^n bo^ng
		     Cho nha` no^ng bo+'t ca^`n lao ..
			He` sang la' ca^y xanh ma`u
		       He` sang vang tie^'ng ve sa^`u
		   He` sang tu+o+'i tha^'m ma`u
		     No+i ngo^i tru+o+`ng tha^n ye^u ..
		    He` mang d-e^'n tho^n que^ xa vo+`i
		       He` d-em d-e^'n cho^'n xa hoa
		  He` gieo kha('p que^ hu+o+ng tha^n ye^u
		    Bao nguo^`n so^'ng trie^`n mie^n ...
		  ..He` mang d-e^'n tho^n que^ xa vo+`i ..
			...(Repeat last Refrain)....
		 A time to be reaping ..a time to be sowing
	       The green leaves of Summer are calling me home
	   It was go+d to be young then, in the season of plenty,
	    When the catfish were jumping as high as the sky ..
	    A time just for planting ..a time just for ploughing
		 A time to be courting ..a girl of your own
	  'Twas so go\od to be young then, to be close to the Earth
	    And to stand by your wife at the momment of birth ..
		A time to be reaping ..a time to be sowing,
	       A time just for living ..a place for to die ..
	  'Twas so go+d to be young then, to be close to the Earth
	   Now the green leaves of Summer are calling me home ..
	  'Twas so go\od to be young then, to be close to the Earth
	  Now the green leaves of Summer are calling me home ....