Cuo^.c ti`nh thoa'ng bay Ky` Pha't Ti`nh buo^`n tro^i qua cu`ng co+n gio' na`o\... thoa'ng d-a^y Nhe. nhu+ co+n say la`m rung co~i lo`ng... nga^'t nga^y Ti`nh la`m hoen mi bo+` vai to'c me^`m... thu+o+'c tha Ro^`i ti`nh bay xa cu`ng bao no^~i sa^`u\... va^'n vu+o+ng... O^i ti`nh mang d-e^'n bao nhie^u nie^`m tin Ti`nh tu+o+i tha('m nhu+ muo^n loa`i hoa Ti`nh trong sa'ng nhu+ muo^n vi` sao Lung linh tre^n khung tro+`i chie^`u ta`n... Ti`nh nga`y xa xu+a gio+` d-a^y d-a~ ta`n... vo+~ tan Ti`nh buo^`n co^ d-o+n chi? mang no^~i sa^`u\... nho+' thu+o+ng Bao ti`nh ye^u d-o' ho^m nay co`n d-a^u\? Ti`nh nga(n ca'ch nhu+ muo^n vi` sao, Ti`nh bay ma^'t nhu+ bao la`n ma^y\... More More than the greatest love the world has known This is the love I\'ll give to you\... a kiss More than the simple word I try to say I only live to love your more\... each day More than you\'ll ever know, More arms long to hold you so\... my life Will be in your keeping Waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping... Longer than always is a long long time But far beyond forever you\'ll be mine I know I never lived before And my heart is very sure No one else could love you more\...